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100 Voices at conference

Volunteers from our resident feedback group “100 Voices” attended the TPAS Cymru National Tenant Conference in Powys

Written by Sam

16 Dec, 2019

Volunteers from our resident feedback group “100 Voices” attended the TPAS Cymru National Tenant Conference in Powys where their views on Welsh Government’s housing priorities were included in a panel discussion. We love that our residents are a part of the conversation about services at Melin and beyond.

What is 100 voices?
100 Voices is a group of residents who give us feedback so that we can develop our services to better suit their needs.
Representatives from the 100 Voices have also formed three more formal groups who meet regularly at our offices. These groups are the; Customer Services group, Disability group, and the Communities group.
If you would like to be a part of this group and get your voice heard please email us at or call and speak to the Communities Team on 01495745910.

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