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A bird’s eye view

After delivering energy efficiency measures to 156 properties in Llanelli, the Being Greener team have been working with Bigyn Primary School and have trained 13 junior green energy champions, and run a competition with the school children to design a dream bird house.

Written by Valentino

26 May, 2016

Students at Bigyn Primary School with Lee Waters
The Being Greener Team has delivered energy efficiency measures to 156 properties in Llanelli with a spend of over £2.9 million. As always the team didn’t just stop there! Working with Bigyn Primary School they have trained 13 junior green energy champions, and run a competition with the school children to design a dream bird house. Our contractors Thomas Holdings have now made their winning designs into the real thing.

Elizabeth, Year 4 said; “Thank you so much for choosing my design, I cannot believe it has been made into the real thing. Real birds have been coming to the bird houses and eating the bread we have put out.”

Newly-elected AM Lee Waters attended to present the children with certificates. He was very impressed by the entries and the success of our collaborative working through the project. The team also donated gardening equipment, seeds and strawberry plants. Jistcourt the framework contractors for the scheme built a high raised pond, painted artwork around the playground and fixed out door items, work which the school simply didn’t have funds to complete.

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