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A little help, makes a big difference!

We met with residents, Deb, 59 and Dickie, 62 this week as they wanted to thank our Income and Inclusion team, and share their story with others.

Written by Fiona

06 Oct, 2017

A little help, makes a big difference!
We met with residents, Deb, 59 and Dickie, 62 this week as they wanted to thank our Income and Inclusion team, and share their story with others.

We first met the housemates four years ago. Deb, recalls “I was borrowing off Peter to pay Paul. I can read and write but I wasn’t opening my mail. There just wasn’t enough money coming in, I was behind with all my bills.”

The Team visited and sorted out outstanding bills with water, gas, electric and rent. When Dickie got ill they put the housemates in touch with Tenovus and Macmillan Cancer and applied for additional benefits that have made all the difference. Life was once very difficult struggling up a steep hill with shopping, and paying for expensive taxi’s. But now the friends know how to budget, they have a car and are even looking forward to a short break in Brean Sands.

Deb, spoke emotionally about the help from the team saying; “Bethan Edwards is amazing, someone who always goes the extra mile and Gavin Payne is a star. The service is wonderful. I highly recommend other people get in touch. Don’t suffer, help is out there!”

Our Income and Inclusion team can help you too. They will visit you in your own home or wherever you feel most comfortable.

If you’re struggling just contact our accredited Money and Energy advisors, who will

  • Give first class professional Benefit advice, including Universal Credit, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and the Benefit Cap;
  • Help with making a money planner, this will help you to budget and we can even give you advice on how to increase your income
  • Help with energy debt and advice;
  • Help with grant applications for things like washing machines and fridge freezers;
  • Assistance with tribunals or reconsdierations for benefit appeals;
  • Help to open a bank or savings account or digitally assist;
  • Provide you with Food Bank Vouchers, so you don’t choose between heat or eat.

We have a dedicated team waiting to help you just call us on 01495 745910 or email the Income and Inclusion Team.

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