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A-peeling way to start the year

A group of housing association staff have found an ‘a-peeling’ way to start the New Year with a delivery of fresh fruit thanks their health and wellbeing group Zest!

Written by Sam

04 Jan, 2017

Zesty start to 2017

A group of housing association staff has found an ‘a-peeling’ way to start the New Year with a delivery of fresh fruit thanks their health and wellbeing group Zest!

Since its inception six years ago Zest! has promoted healthy living and increased happiness amongst staff. The group is coordinated by a working group of Melin staff responsible for raising health awareness through fitness and good living.

Zest! has made sure that staff start each new year with a healthy fruit burst offering free oranges, bananas, and grapes. The group has done much more than provide free fruit and staff has also been given the opportunity to try a range of activities, from health checks and yoga, to healthy cookery classes and rock climbing tasters. Zest! has also implemented a Cycle to Work Scheme, a no-smoking and alcohol policy, and information workshops.

This has resulted in a drop in sickness levels from over 6% to just 2% and 97% of staff feel encouraged to be active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The group is also working with residents to help spread the health and well-being message.

Over the last year 34 bikes have been purchased through the cycle to work scheme, the group has hosted an activity challenge where 68 staff completed 3,583 hours of activity over eight weeks. Eighty-seven staff have also taken the chance to get a free health check and 38 people were provided with posture assessments.

Assistant Director of Business Consultancy Sharon Crockett said: “Zest! has helped boost staff morale, and has made Melin an even more exciting and vibrant place to work. It is not only beneficial for staff, but also makes great business sense as a healthy, happy workforce is paramount to providing excellent customer service.”

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