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Agency gives a helping hand

Care & Repair Monmouthshire and Torfaen work hard to help older people in our communities live safely and securely in their own homes.

Written by Sam

28 Mar, 2017

clients helped by Care & Repair
The agency helps older homeowners and private tenants to repair, adapt and maintain their homes. They visit clients at home and discuss what repairs or adaptations you need, the possible solutions, the likely costs and sources of funding.
Here are two clients who have recently benefited from Care & Repair services.

Mrs Elsie Desmond
Staunchly independent almost 80-year-old Mrs Desmond first came into contact with Care & Repair when her late husband became ill.
Most recently she has had a security light fitted outside thanks to a donation made by Western Power to Care and Repair as a good will gesture. Caseworker Helen James allocated this money to install security lights outside Mrs Desmond’s home as a means of addressing safety concerns.Helen has also been able to give Mrs Desmond a fire blanket and door chains and an outside rail to help her walk safely down her garden path. Mrs Desmond said: “The work that has been carried out recently thanks to Care & Repair makes me feel more secure.”

Mr Darryl Harber
Mr Harber had a new heating system installed including a new boiler, electric fire and radiators after his old boiler was condemned and had to be removed. Before coming into contact with Care & Repair he was without heating or hot water for three weeks during the winter. He had previously suffered a substantial loss through a sophisticated internet scam and he hopes that his story will act as a warning to others. Victim support put him in touch with Care and Repair when they learned he was living without heat.
Mr Harber said: “I cannot thank you enough. You have been a life saver and the more people that know about you the better. I don’t know where I would have been without you. The work was all completed within two days. All the contractors were very efficient and my Care and Repair caseworker Helen has been absolutely brilliant.”
If you or a family member could do with a helping hand from Care and Repair call them on 0300 111 3333

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