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Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime

Following the recent reports about the increase in racial discrimination and hate crime after the vote to leave the European Union, we would like to assure you; our residents, our partners and our communities, that here at Melin we take anti-social behaviour and hate crime of any kind very seriously.

Written by Valentino

01 Jul, 2016

Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime
Following the recent reports about the increase in racial discrimination and hate crime after the vote to leave the European Union, we would like to assure you; our residents, our partners and our communities, that here at Melin we take anti-social behaviour and hate crime of any kind very seriously. Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their home, and we take pride in our supportive and inclusive communities. If you are worried about any of the current issues surrounding racial discrimination, hate crime or anti-social behaviour we are here to help. Just give us a call on 01495 745910 or get in touch with Gwent Police for further advice about the different types of support available.

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