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Apprentices highlight net zero skills goals

Welsh Government’s Economy & Skills Minister Vaughan Gething visited Melin to launch his new Net Zero Skills Plan.

Written by Sam

06 Mar, 2023

Vaughan Gething meets apprentices on site

Welsh Government’s Economy & Skills Minister Vaughan Gething visited Melin to launch his new Net Zero Skills Plan

The plan aims to ensure today's children and workers will have the skills they will need for the jobs of tomorrow and he was interested to see how Melin is working towards that goal.

Mr Gething met Melin electrical apprentice Katie Hoddinott and Caethan Griffin, also an electrical apprentice, from our partners at shared apprenticeship scheme, Y Prentis.

Katie showed the minister how she is building on her skills learning about the innovative green technology we are trialling. She showed the Minister how a new infrared graphene wallpaper created by Nexgen, is being trialled as an innovative, economic, and environmentally friendly way of heating homes. The apprentices then took the minister to a street in Cwmbran, where the homes have recently been fitted with new solar panels and External Wall Insulation and new roof and loft insulation.

Katie Hoddinott is in her final year of a four-year electrical apprenticeship. She said: “I love that by doing an apprenticeship I am gaining skills to help people. I was keen to get my career started and now I get on the job experience while getting paid.”

Katie shows the minister an innovative infrared heating product
Katie shows minister new heating system

Learning new skills like maintaining solar PV panels and understanding other innovative heating and insulation measures also means that I am future proofing my career as green technology is only going to become more widely used.

Katie Hoddinott — Melin electrical apprentice

We want to equip all learners with the right information, options, and career pathways. Pathways that encourage and stimulate our current and future workforce and represents the diversity of our communities.

Vaughan Gething — Welsh Government Economy & Skills Minister
Melin and Y Prentis apprentices meet minister in Boardroom
Melin and Y Prentis apprentices meet minister

Choosing apprenticeships

Our fantastic apprentices demonstrated that their decision to learn while they earn, rather than pursue a university course, has been the right one for them.

Our commitment to a carbon neutral future means that our apprentices and existing staff are being trained and upskilled to install and maintain new, greener technologies that will not only benefit the environment, but also be more economical for our residents.

Paula Kennedy — Melin Chief Executive

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