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BCS event for Workplace Transformation Project of the Year

If you're in London on Thursday 23rd Feb, pop along to see us give a talk at the British Chartered Institute for IT!

Written by Valentino

09 Feb, 2017

BCS event for Workplace Transformation Project of the Year
Last year we were awarded Workplace Transformation Project of the Year at the BCS IT awards, and we will be giving a talk on Thursday 23rd February to share a bit more information about the technology and practice that earned us the award. Here at Melin we have always had a very strong culture with a highly motivated staff team and 2 years ago we embarked on an ambitious journey to encourage our staff and Board to work smarter and become more agile and efficient. We are now in a position where all our staff, whether an office assistant or a gas engineer, are able to conduct their day to day duties completely remotely from anywhere they wish via the implementation of new technologies and working practices. This project has enabled us to drastically improve the services provided to our residents and partners whilst reducing costs, improving the working environment, reducing our impact upon the natural environment and delivering greater job satisfaction and empowerment for all our staff. You can find out more details about where and when the event is on the BCS events website. We'd love to see you there!

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