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Blooming Marvellous

The green-fingered residents at our Usk sheltered scheme have scooped three prizes in this year’s Usk in Bloom competition

Written by Sam

04 Sept, 2018

residents and their beautiful flowers
Green-fingered residents at our Usk sheltered scheme have scooped three prizes in this year’s Usk in Bloom competition. With a bit of help from Growing Space residents at Castle Court have built on their success last year and created another blooming marvellous display. They were given the Gold award, but they also won Best Care Category and the Best Overall Commercial Category. Des O’Keefe and Kain Jones have found all their hard work in the garden to be very rewarding. As well as the gorgeous hanging baskets and flowers the garden at Castle Court has produced 20lbs of potatoes and 40lbs of tomatoes. Gwen Jones is a Castle Court resident and while she doesn’t take part in the planting and watering that some of the others enjoy she appreciates all their efforts. She said: “It gives me great pleasure to see all the colour and the flowers in bloom. My window faces the road so sometimes I love to wander along the corridor and have a look out at the wonderful flowers in the garden and I think how lovely it looks.”

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