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Equality monitoring information

We collect information about our residents so we can make sure the services we provide are best for you. Find out why we do it and what we do with the information you give us, in this article.

Written by Fiona

15 Jun, 2023

An illustration of charts and data

Equality monitoring – Why we ask you to tell us information about you

Equality monitoring involves the collection of information about our staff, volunteers and residents and is a very important part of tackling inequality and discrimination. It will help us to check whether the services provided by Melin Homes are meeting the needs of our residents, homeowners and local communities.

The information we ask is called equality monitoring data. We recognise that everyone is different, and we treat these differences with respect.

We are collecting data on ethnicity, religion, marital status, disability, gender, sexuality and gender reassignment status- these are all protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.

Melin aims to be an inclusive organisation, committed to providing equal opportunities. We encourage equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in our communities.

Why should you fill out our equality monitoring form? Why do we ask for this information?

Here are four reasons why:

  1. The information we ask you to tell us is the first step in helping us to understand the diversity of our residents/homeowners and any inequalities that exist. It helps us to understand you, make things better and improve our services. It shows us if some of our residents/homeowners aren’t making the most of the services we offer and it helps make sure that you are getting the most out of what you’re paying for. We can’t change things without your help.
  2. We are often told to be careful about who we give personal information to, because of identity theft. But when you give us information like your age, race, disability, or sexuality it just helps make our services better.
  3. We value the personal information that you trust us with. We will make sure your information is kept securely on our housing management systems. We will not share your equality data with other organisations. If you have any concerns about how we handle your data, please ask us. If you don’t want to give us your equality information, you don’t have to.
  4. This information helps us get things right, you might want to talk to us in a different language or have health needs. If we know we can make sure our services are right for you.

What we do with the equality monitoring information given to us:

The equality information we gather enables us to:

  • identify access issues and barriers to our services;
  • evidence the need for new services;
  • determine whether we are reaching and listening to our communities and treating them fairly;
  • identify any services or policies we have which may negatively impact people from diverse communities;
  • enable us to understand and create a workforce that better reflects the communities we serve.

What have we done with the equality information we have previously collected?

  • When residents/homeowners first get their home with us, we have used the equality information to highlight people who may need help with budgeting, benefits (making sure they receive all the money they are entitled to), money/debt advice and further support.
  • We have notifications on our computer systems to highlight accessibility needs and help us identify when reasonable adjustments need to be made. For example, if you have a sight or hearing impairment, we will know and can adapt the way we communicate.
  • Equality monitoring information is taken into account when we have to make legal decisions. For example, if someone has a disability, we will take this into consideration, complete an ‘proportionality assessment’ before any legal decisions are made. This may lead to additional support being provided, if it isn’t already in place.

Why are we asking more questions on our equality monitoring form?

We have recently updated our equality monitoring forms and aligned our questions with the 2021 Census, this will help us when comparing the data.

Our new form includes questions on: Welsh language; health; clearer questions on disability; as well as new categories. The extra information we have asked, will help us to improve our services and help us plan for the future.

Are residents required to give Melin their diversity information?

No, you don’t have to tell us the information. If you would prefer not to tell us, most questions have a ‘prefer not to answer’ box. By marking this we will know that you do not wish to share this information with us.

If residents have already given Melin their equality data, do they have to give it again?

Yes, please. We have a new form and new questions. We will be keeping the information up to date every year, to make sure it is correct, next time we ask you to up date your information we will only ask you to tell us about things that have changed. For example your health, caring responsibilities, gender or disability.

How can residents give their equality information?

There are lots of ways we will be collecting the information:

  • Our online form can be found here. This link will take you to a webform to be filled in.
  • You may receive a text message or email with a secure link to complete the form online.
  • When you call us, our Customer Contact Team might ask you to complete the form over the telephone.
  • By requesting a paper form – don’t worry we have envelopes for you to return the completed form.
  • If you live at one of our schemes, your scheme manager will complete the form with you.
  • If you have an appointment booked with a member of staff, they will be able to complete the form with you.

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