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Colleagues volunteer in Cambodia

Two of our staff team volunteer with Habitat for Humanity

Written by Sam

10 Oct, 2016

Leaving for Cambodia

Two staff members headed off to Cambodia on Friday (7th Oct) as part of an international team who will build a new home for a family in just one week.
Electrician Craig Cheedy and Project Officer Georgina James flew to Asia with the charity Habitat for Humanity.
This is Craig’s second Habitat for Humanity trip, having been to Thailand last year. He found the experience so valuable and this year he is going as a deputy team leader. He will be joined in Cambodia by his colleague Georgina who was selected to represent Melin this year. Both will staying in the Siem Reap region of Cambodia.
Georgina said: “I am so excited to be going to Cambodia to hopefully make a real difference to those in need. I am very keen to see a different perspective and build a better future for families with a lot less than us. It’s the furthest I have ever travelled, but I am happy to have my colleague Craig alongside me.”
Once assigned a team both Georgina and Craig will be tasked with building a new house and once completed will get to meet the family and show them round their new home.
Craig said; “The best part of my trip last year was seeing the happiness and receiving the thanks from the family I helped build a home for. Once again Melin have been brilliant in allowing me to becoming a deputy team leader this year and go on my second trip, to have Georgina alongside me will also be great to share the experience with.”
Melin Homes chief executive, Mark Gardner, said; “This year we have focused on the legacy our work at Melin will leave behind. While we are soon to be building our 4000th home in Wales, we are happy to support Georgie and Craig spread some Melin magic and build one very special home for a family on the other side of the world.”

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