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Dalmatian Bike Ride 2023

On Saturday we sponsored the St David’s Hospice Dalmatian Bike Ride and our Melin Team took part completing 360 miles between them. Led by our Chief Executive Paula Kennedy, our team of eight joined hundreds of other riders to help raise awareness and money for the hospice as well as our own Resident Support Fund.

Written by Fiona

13 Jun, 2023

Team Melin taking part in the #Dallybike

A big shout out to our Melin team; Paula, John, Mike, Sean, Fiona, Stuart, Adrian and Joanne we hope your legs aren’t too achy today! We can’t wait to support the event again next year.

Supporting local events like this is very important to us at Melin Homes. The work St David’s Hospice provide in our communities is so important, they make a difference to so many people’s lives. We will continue to support St David’s events throughout the year and are looking forward to.

Paula Kennedy — Melin Homes

Photos from the day

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