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Disabled Access Day

We are hosting an event this Friday for Disabled Access Day. At our extra care scheme, Ty George Lansbury, we will be joined by residents, as well as staff from Charter Housing and Newport City Homes, where we will be discussing disability issues affecting our residents and communities.

Written by Valentino

08 Mar, 2017

Disabled Access Day
We are hosting an event this Friday for Disabled Access Day. At our extra care scheme, Ty George Lansbury, we will be joined by residents, as well as staff from Charter Housing and Newport City Homes, where we will be discussing disability issues affecting our residents and communities.

With Care & Repair and Torfaen Community Transport also in attendance, this event is an opportunity for residents and community services to come together to discuss how we can improve access.

The event also gives us the chance to share stories about our experiences with disability, and learn more about how we can help each other to get the best out of our local support services. With refreshments, and entertainment from our Melin staff choir ‘Zing’, the morning is set to be full of inspiring talk.

Disabled Access Day is sponsored by Euan’s Guide a listing and review site that helps disabled people, their friends and families find venues that are accessible. Kiki MacDonald, Co-Founder of Euan's Guide, explains: "We were inspired by the idea of Disabled Access Day and the potential for it to increase the numbers of conversations between venues and disabled people, as well as to raise the profile of disabled access. We were delighted by the backing from many venues, organisations and businesses that got involved, in particular their appetite to improve their own accessibility and to get more feedback from disabled people.”

Find out more about Disabled Access Day on their website.

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