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Do you need help getting online?

Then we can help with our digital inclusion work.

Written by Marcus

20 Oct, 2017

Elaine and her new iPad
Digital skills are so important in today's society, and we want to help you make the most of technology. Here are some examples of the help we have on offer:

  • Advice on affordable broadband connection;
  • Help to find affordable equipment from refurbished laptops to tablets, and the latest smartphones;
  • Advice on IT training for employment;
  • Advice on computer viruses and help when things go wrong;
  • Help to study and learn from your computer at home;
  • Advice on local WiFi hotspots.
Sound good? We can help. Our Digital Inclusion Officer Louise Kingdon can help you, just give her a call on 01495 745910 or send her an email.

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