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Earth Day

This Saturday (April 22) is Earth Day and this year the theme is ‘Invest in our planet’

Written by Sam

18 Apr, 2023

Earth Day 2023 logo

It is a call to us all, to do what we can to invest in a better future for our planet.

Earth Day organisers have put together a few small ways we can all help to have a big impact, from their action tool kit, to how you can be a part of their Great Global Clean Up campaign

At Melin we are committed to doing what we can for the planet, for our team, our residents, and communities.

Here are some of the ways we are trying to minimise our impact on the planet, so that our residents and their communities benefit from a healthier world

  • We invest money from our Sustainable Communities Fund in our Local Authority areas enabling our residents, and schools to do their bit for climate change
  • We are a member of Carbon Literacy Cartrefi Cymru (CLCC), a consortium of 27 Welsh registered social landlords, who have pooled their money and resources to increase carbon literacy within their organisations.
  • We have started a program of decarbonising our existing homes
Paula Kennedy plugging in electric vehicle
Paula charges an electric car at our office

Some more ways we are investing in the planet's future

  • We use renewable energy for our offices and Independent Living Schemes, coupled with solar panels at our head offices
  • We have a flexible, agile working policy meaning that staff can work from home and save on CO2 emissions produced by a regular commute.
  • Aim to transfer our whole fleet of 60 vehicles to electric
  • Trialling new, efficient and environmentally friendly measures such as radiant heating systems, insulating paint and hydrogen boilers.
people putting up wallpaper that heats the room
Installing radiant heating strips

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