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Exciting news: Melin and Newport City Homes

We’re pleased to announce that we are starting a programme of work to explore how to merge both associations into a new organisation.

Written by Fiona

16 Nov, 2023

Llun o logo Melin a Chatrefi Dinas Casnewydd

Key messages from Paula Kennedy and Ceri Doyle

  • Melin and Newport City Homes are delighted to announce that we are starting a programme of work to further explore how to merge both associations into a new organisation
  • In response to the challenges in the sector the new 15,000 home organisation will have greater financial capacity and resilience, an annual development programme of 500 sustainable homes and the ability to better respond to the challenges being faced by our customers, residents and communities.
  • Our work will begin immediately and we will involve the customers, residents and colleagues of both associations
  • The new organisation will provide improved services for customers and residents and enable us to offer greater opportunities to colleagues
  • Recognising the amount of work required, our focus will initially be on defining the timelines, appointing advisors and determining the best approach to enable the merger to progress at pace.
  • Throughout, we’d like to reassure our customers and residents that our services will continue as usual.
  • An update on these timelines and the programme of work for 2024 will be provided by the end of the year.
  • The final merger will only take place once a number of requirements have been met including the consent of funders and regulators and the agreement of both Boards

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