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Freshers week for us!

Our partnership with Cardiff Metropolitan University is in it’s second year and going from strength to strength.

Written by Fiona

25 Sept, 2017

Freshers week for us!
Our partnership with Cardiff Metropolitan University is in it’s second year and going from strength to strength.

We were recently asked to attend Freshers week to speak to the new intake of students about the importance of developing employability skills, so you stand out from the crowd and shine when looking for employment at the end of your course.

Two of our employees Trish and Georgina who ‘s careers began at Melin as volunteers, spoke of their experiences and how this led to employment and further exciting opportunities. Students were impressed with the talks and have requested further workshops around volunteering and developing new skills.

Gary Samuel, Year One lecturer said “Today has been great! I am pleased with the different perspectives given by Trish and Georgina and how they reinforced each other. This should inspire students into taking a proactive approach to shaping their futures during their time with us.

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