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Garndiffaith Community Comes Together to Begin Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Written by Will

01 Apr, 2022

Communities Team Officer Helen Seymour planst a tree with two children while other children cheer in the background

On Thursday 31 March, the volunteers of Garndiffaith Millennium Hall in Torfaen launched their season of celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Working with local schools, the community held a tree planting ceremony in the grounds of the Millennium Hall, with two new blossom trees funded by Melin’s Communities Team.

Pupils from Dosbarth 9 in Garnteg Primary School and Blwyddyn 5 in Ysgol Bryn Onnen came down to lend a hand (and a shovel!) with the tree planting. Despite a spontaneous snow shower, the trees were successfully planted and then the youngsters were treated to a party food buffet in the Hall afterwards.

One of the committee volunteers at the Millennium Hall helps plant a tree with a group of chilldren standing beside her
One of the committee volunteers at the Millennium Hall helps plant a tree.

The tree planting is just the start of a big 2022 for the Garndiffaith Millennium Hall. The volunteers are planning a jubilee street party in June which is certain to be a big hit!

Helen Seymour, Melin Communities Officer, was pleased to be able to support the community’s jubilee celebration.

We have a great relationship with the community in Garndiffaith and the volunteers at the Millennium Hall in particular. It was a pleasure to be able to fund the two new trees and help the community come together to mark this historic year.

Helen Seymour, Communities Officer — Melin Homes

“The commitment and passion of the volunteers at the Millennium Hall is inspirational and we look forward to continuing our work with them.”

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