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Get your spots on!

We’re proud to be supporting and taking part in this year’s Dalmatian Bike Ride.

Written by Fiona

07 Jun, 2018

Get your spots on!
We’re proud to be supporting and taking part in this year’s Dalmatian Bike Ride.

All the money raised supports St David’s Hospice Care who provide a free and comprehensive palliative care service of excellence throughout Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Newport, Torfaen and within South and Mid Powys for people, their families and carers facing a progressive life-limiting illness which is no longer curable.

It costs St David’s over £7.9 million every year to provide hospice care, free-of-charge, to patients and their families. With less than 20% of this funded by the Government, the Hospice relies on donations and fundraising. There are many great ways in which you can support them, pop over to their website for details.

If you’re looking for something to do then pop to Caerleon on Saturday 9th June 2018 and show our Chief Executive Paula Kennedy some support, although she may look slightly different from the picture above!

If you can’t make it on the day make sure you follow on Social Media @dallybike #dalmatianbikeride

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