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Help for community-minded mum

A young Cwmbran mum asked for help to get her street in tip-top shape

Written by Sam

12 Jun, 2018

Community clean up
We have stepped in to help one community-minded mum make a difference in her street. Adele Purchase has lived at Woodland Street, Cwmbran for three years and recently approached our communities team for help in cleaning up and giving them all a chance to clear their gardens of clutter. After a chat with our Communities Officer, she was really enthusiastic to get things started. So a staff team donned their hi-viz and sensible footwear to help Adele and her friends fill two skips with unwanted items.
Adele said: “We have got a lovely street all the neighbours are friendly. We are a borrow-a-cup-of-sugar type street. It’s fab that Melin’s brought a team to help us. It is good for the kids on the street to see that everyone wants to keep the place clean and tidy.”

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