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How we set our rent

We are currently reviewing our rent setting policy to make sure that our rents are affordable and give you value for money. When setting our rents we take into consideration things such as location, property type and size of property.

Written by Valentino

30 Jun, 2020

Illustration of a Melin home

We are currently reviewing our rent setting policy to make sure that our rents are affordable and give you value for money.

When setting our rents we take into consideration things such as location, property type and size of property.

Most social housing tenants in Wales have been asked for their opinion on how landlords set their rents. During July and August, we will be carrying out a consultation with our residents in the form of a brief survey. Your responses will help us decide how we plan our rents in the future.

There are several ways in which we may contact you:

  • If we have an email address, we will send you the survey to complete and return to us.
    Our Communities Officers will be calling some of our residents to go through the survey with them.
  • If you want to give your views either on the telephone or though the post please call 01495 745910 or email and someone will get back to you.
  • If you do complete the survey there will be an opportunity to enter a draw to win £250 worth of shopping vouchers (terms and conditions apply). To be eligible for the prize draw:
  1. No action should have been taken against the resident or their household for anti-social behaviour
  2. There should be no rent debt
  3. There should be no sundry debt

If you would like to know more about the survey you can view these frequently asked questions or if you still have queries you can email

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