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It’s a bug’s life

Jane Hutt AM visited Being Greener’s community benefit project in Gibbonsdown. The team has worked with local contractors SMK and Gibson to deliver over £10,000 worth of benefit to the school, including building a pond, donating plants, mini beast hunting and pond equipment, benches, repainting and general maintenance of school grounds.

Written by Sam

26 Jul, 2016

children in new school garden

Jane Hutt AM visited Being Greener’s community benefit project in Gibbonsdown. The team has worked with local contractors SMK and Gibson to deliver over £10,000 worth of benefit to the school, including building a pond, donating plants, mini beast hunting and pond equipment, benches, repainting and general maintenance of school grounds.

The Welsh Government Warm Homes programme has invested £2.1 million out of an overall project cost of £2.4 million, improving the energy efficiency of more than 234 homes in Gibbonsdown. The properties improved were treated with a range of energy efficiency measures, including external wall insulation with heating systems and upgrades.

Headmaster of Oakfield Primary School, in the Vale of Glamorgan village, Mr Williams said: “Everyone is thrilled with our new pond area. Having experienced contractors with machinery means that we now have a pond and decking area that we would never have been able to build ourselves. It is the beginning of what we hope will be an incredible wild area. The children have been active in the planning of the area and this has provided real life learning activities. We have planted around the pond and put tadpoles and other creatures into it. With the new mini-beast equipment all the children can experience pond dipping and other nature activities without having to leave the school grounds.”

Local AM Jane Hutt was thrilled with the visit and even joked ‘The children have caught the bug in more ways than one!’ after seeing how enthusiastic and passionate the children were with their new outdoor classroom. Jane Hutt AM visited Being Greener’s community benefit project in Gibbonsdown. The team has worked with local contractors SMK and Gibson to deliver over £10,000 worth of benefit to the school, including building a pond, donating plants, mini beast hunting and pond equipment, benches, repainting and general maintenance of school grounds.

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