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#iwill Week 2019

Dave Halford recently joined our Sustainability Team at Melin homes. His story highlights how important it is to get involved in activities that make a positive difference to others, how this boosts your employability skills, and increases your well-being.

Written by Fiona

19 Nov, 2019

#iwill Week 2019
Dave Halford recently joined our Sustainability Team at Melin homes.

His story highlights how important it is to get involved in activities that make a positive difference to others, how this boosts your employability skills, and increases your well-being.

Dave was a hard working child, always wanting to do the right thing. From a young age he knew he wanted to be a teacher, throughout studying for his GCSE’s he volunteered working with children at the Gwent Dragons and working towards additional qualifications.

He went to University, studying Mathematics, but after two years found this wasn’t what he wanted to. He spent last summer looking for a job, keeping up with volunteering and joining our Youth Empowerment Project, Yep.

Not long after joining Yep a position came up in our Sustainability Team and Dave applied. The team were impressed with him at interview, he dressed to impress, had researched our company, his volunteering experience made him stand out, and we knew he was great with people from the time we had spent with him at Yep meetings.

Dave was offered a position working with our Schools Team, he has only been with us a month but he’s already making such a difference inspiring pupils and teachers at the schools we work with and showing that with hard work and determination you can and will make a difference. His story highlights that there are lots of routes into the world of work, and you don’t have to get a degree to get a job you love.

Dave is a great advert for how powerful volunteering can be, and how important young people are in our communities.

People like Dave aren’t just leaders of tomorrow, they have the energy, skills, and ideas to change society now.

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