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Late Night and Christmas opening hours

We've still got a few late night openings before Christmas! You can also find out when the office is open over Christmas.

Written by Katie

22 Nov, 2017

Our late night and Christmas opening hours

We've still got a few late night openings before Christmas!

Our office will be open between 10am and 7pm on the 22nd November, 6th December and 20th December.

Our office will be closed from 12 noon on the 15th December. We will be open again as usual on Monday 18th at 9am.

We will close for Christmas at 12 noon on 22nd December and repen on 2nd January 2018.

If there is an emergency and you need to get in touch with us when our office is closed, you can call our out of hours number 01495 745910.

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