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Melin Homes 37th in Top 100 Organisations to work for in the UK

We have been placed 37th in the Sunday Times Top 100 not-for-profit organisations to work for in 2017.

Written by Marcus

23 Feb, 2017

We're 37th
We have been placed 37th in the Sunday Times Top 100 Not-For-Profit Organisations to work for in 2017. The announcement was made at an awards ceremony in London this week and we achieved a 1-star accreditation for the second year running. The 37th placing improves on last year’s 53rd placing, with the results being drawn up from a survey of staff to get their views on what type of workplace Melin is, as well as a wider submission from the organisation regarding their mission and goals.

Paula Kennedy, Chief Executive at Melin said; “To be placed 37th in the UK is a fantastic achievement of which we take a lot of pride in. I am personally so proud of the whole Melin team for the difference we make. These awards really matter to the leadership team at Melin because it’s given on the basis on how staff genuinely feel about the place they work and reflects the reality of what a great place Melin is to work. This is only our third year of entering these awards and to jump 16 places into the top 40 in the country is testament to the hard work of our staff and the happy and positive culture we have.”

Some of the results back from the staff survey included; 92% of staff agreeing that Melin ‘encourages charitable activities’ (7th in the UK overall), 86% feeling that Melin has a ‘strong social conscience’, 81% of people are proud to work for Melin and 82% of people feeling that Melin is ‘run based on sound moral principles’.

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