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Melin Homes mark milestone of 4,000th home

To mark the building of our 4,000th home, we held an event at the new Heol Pont y Goron site in Sebastopol.

Written by Marcus

24 Feb, 2017

Meeting some of the new residents
To mark the building of our 4000th home, we held an event at the new Heol Pont y Goron site in Sebastopol. The 22 home development built on the old Crownbridge school site means Melin now own and manage over 4000 homes, with over 1700 being in Torfaen.

The event was attended by Torfaen Council Leader Counsellor Anthony Hunt, Executive Member for Education Counsellor David Yeowell and Executive Member for Housing Counsellor Gwyneira Clark. The visitors were taken on a guided tour of the development by our new Chief Executive Paula Kennedy and had a chance to meet some of the residents of Heol Pont y Goron.

Melin Chief Executive, Paula Kennedy said; “This is a huge milestone for us at Melin and underlines the progress we have made since we started in 2007. None of this would be possible without our partners such as Torfaen County Borough Council, and it’s a great example of how partnership working can deliver vital new homes for people. It was great to show Counsellor Hunt and his team around our newest development and to meet our newest residents in Heol Pont y Goron.”

We are committed to building over 1,000 homes over the next five years and contributing the Welsh Government’s 20,000 new homes target.

Counsellor Anthony Hunt, Leader of Torfaen Council, said; “It is nice to walk around such an impressive, new and spacious development. I’ve met some of the residents here on the site and have been hearing the stories about how these homes have changed people lives. Well done to Melin.”

ResidentMr. David Thomas said; “Having this home is life changing for all of us as a family. We didn’t want to move from the area as it feels like a real community here and it’s so safe for the boys. Hearing about Melin reaching its 4000th home is superb, and I can’t believe we are in that actual house. We feel so blessed to have this home that we will always look after it; it feels like we have won the lottery.”

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