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Melin Officer wins National ‘Rising Star’ Award

Our Digital Inclusion Officer Louise Kingdon has won the Rising Stars Award at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Cymru awards last week.

Written by Marcus

03 May, 2016

Our Digital Inclusion Officer Louise Kingdon has won the Rising Stars Award at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Cymru awards last week. The award was presented her at the TAI conference, where Louise managed to beat two other shortlisted nominees. Louise was initially shortlisted after her essay on the importance diversity in the workplace. At the ceremony she had to present her ideas regarding what she said in the essay to attendees where the final votes were taken to choose a winner.

Louise said; “I’m chuffed to bits to win – I felt over the moon just being nominated. It’s been a really enjoyable week soaking up the Tai atmosphere with the other nominees. It’s a been a pleasure getting to know them. I also feel really fortunate to have such supportive colleagues who have been behind me every step of the way”.

Mark Gardner, CEO at Melin said; “Louise is a winner at Melin regardless of this result – I get to see the great work she does with digital inclusion for our residents day in day out. However, when I see one of our team members win a nationally recognised award I am especially proud. We are proud of our work in making sure we are a diverse workplace, but I think Louise’s initial essay and presentation was innovative and fresh, with plenty of new ideas for us to consider. Well done Louise.”

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