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Melin Works helps Abergavenny Man find work

Mark is a Melin resident living in Abergavenny and had been out of work for some time. During his time with Melin Works, Mark has been able to gain new skills, increase his confidence and get into full time employment.

Written by Marcus

23 Oct, 2017

Mark Bristow
Mark is a Melin resident living in Abergavenny and had been out of work for some time. During his time with Melin Works, Mark has been able to gain new skills, increase his confidence and get into full time employment.

“There were times where I felt so far away from getting back into work. But with Allison’s help I am now back in full time work. I really liked that they made sure all the help I got was focused on my needs and the things that stop me getting a job in the first place. I can’t thank Melin enough.” Said Mark

The help the team was able to give Mark included:
  • Completed Health and Safety and Food Hygeine level 2 qualification;
  • Attended an Induction programme;
  • Renewed CRB Check for Employment;
  • Renewed a Driving licence;
  • Paid travelling expenses for training.
“Mark is now in full time employment with Allied Health Care and is on course for a much brighter future. Working with him I saw how he just needed the right type of support to help him to get back into work, and I am really happy we were able to help him.” Said Allison James, Employment Officer, Melin Works.

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