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Memory Lane

Thanks to our health and wellbeing group Zest! and volunteers from Monmouthshire Museum’s Service residents at Victoria Court, Abergavenny enjoyed a trip down memory lane.

Written by Sam

28 Feb, 2018

memory lane
They took part in a reminiscence session focusing on the fashion of the 50’s. It was delivered by the museum and paid for by Zest! The volunteers brought a box of fashion items from the era including handbags, culottes and bottles of scent. Items were passed around the group and prompted discussions as memories came flooding back.
Mrs Keen a former Handicraft teacher brought with her a model of a 1950s kitchen including plates, copper kettle and iron range all made entirely by her own hands. She also brought a cookery book from 1902 for the museum service to keep. She said: “I’m not the most sociable person. This has been good - it gets me talking.”
One of the most powerful memory aids were the bottles of scent that were passed around. Brenda Sorby had one whiff of the 4711 eau de cologne and was reminded immediately of the old lady who used to live next door to her years ago.
Scheme manager Laura Benyer said: “We have had a couple of these sessions and they’ve proved to be very popular. People who don’t usually talk really come out of themselves in a lovely way.”

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