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Minister marks our pledge to residents

The Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Rebecca Evans attended our Vision launch speaking to residents, staff and stakeholders about how we pledge to create opportunities for people and communities.

Written by Fiona

02 May, 2018

Minister marks our pledge to residents
The Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Rebecca Evans attended our Vision launch speaking to residents, staff and stakeholders about how we pledge to create opportunities for people and communities.

We have committed to create thriving communities, a great culture, services focused on residents, and a programme of new developments. We remain dedicated to listening to and engaging with residents and the communities within which they live and will only do things that benefit these communities and residents.

Natalie Gardner a resident for over 20 years, and recently appointed Chair of our Residents’ Panel said; “I joined the panel to make a difference to our residents and the community as a whole, the new vision fully supports our work. It was a pleasure to meet the Minister and hear her commitment to social housing and the building of affordable homes. I have been speaking to other residents and we can see an exciting future, full of opportunity.”

With targets for increasing the number of apprenticeships available, a dedicated advice service to help residents back into work, local school partnership programme and new maintenance services the future certainly looks bright.

Minister Rebecca Evans said; “I am committed to delivering the Welsh Government’s ambitious target of 20,000 affordable homes during this Assembly term, and working with housing associations like Melin is key to this. It is very encouraging that Melin has a target of 1,000 new homes as part of its vision being launched today.

“Housing has a huge impact on people’s lives, and Melin’s vision to create opportunities for people is one I share.”

Our Chief Executive Paula Kennedy added: “We are here to provide homes, but we’re also passionate about creating opportunities for people and communities to thrive. Having the Minister for Housing and Regeneration here today to see our passion for housing, and the shared challenges we face going forward has been fantastic. Some of our challenges are shared with other organisations who, like us are growing and diversifying, some with the Welsh housing sector, some with the UK housing sector.

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