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Money saving tips for Christmas!

Ok, so Halloween and Bonfire night aren’t even over but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas! We have come up with some money saving tips as it can be such an expensive and stressful time of year.

Written by Fiona

27 Oct, 2017

Money saving tips for Christmas!
Ok, so Halloween and Bonfire night aren’t even over but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas!

We have come up with some money saving tips as it can be such an expensive and stressful time of year.

  • Make a plan and budget and stick to them! Christmas is only one day, so please don’t get yourself into trouble for the whole of the next year by over spending. Visit The Money Advice website to complete a planner so you have an idea of your budget.
  • Why not make Christmas presents for people and your own cards? You can get the kids involved too! You could make your own chocolates, decorate a cake, make up your own hampers. There are loads of ideas out there, we found some really cool ones on Pinterest.
  • Keep energy bills down by keeping warm with layers and making sure you draught proof your home. Our Energy Advice Officer is here to help make sure you are on the best energy tariff, and provide a home energy check! Just give us a call and ask for Dave, Energy Advice Officer in the Income and Inclusion team.
  • Switch bank accounts in time for Christmas, some offer you money to bank with them. Or recommend a friend you could get a reward for it!
  • Please don’t be tempted to borrow money from loan sharks. Have you considered a Credit Union? They offer a variety of loans, which only charge interest on the loan balance (not the whole loan amount), with no hidden costs. Take a look at Credit Unions Wales website to find out more.
  • Need to get some extra cash for Christmas? Why not have an Autumn clear out and anything you don’t need or use you can sell. There are loads of on-line selling websites, or why not try a car boot/table top sale.
  • Check money saving websites for up to date offers and bargains.

We hope everyone enjoys Christmas, and remember memories last a life time and you can’t buy those!

If you need further help and money advice why not contact our Income and Inclusion team, they are all accredited. Please remember you’re not alone, our Income and Inclusion team are here to help you.

What we can help with:
  • Give first class professional Benefit advice, including Universal Credit, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and the Benefit Cap;
  • Help with making a money planner, this will help you to budget and we can even give you advice on how to increase your income
  • Help with energy debt and advice;
  • Help with grant applications for things like washing machines and fridge freezers;
  • Assistance with tribunals or reconsiderations for benefit appeals;
  • Help to open a bank or savings account or digitally assist;
  • Provide you with Food Bank Vouchers, so you don’t choose between heat or eat.

Please call us on 01495 745910 or email our Income & Inclusion team.

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