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New Chair of the board as Margaret Spencer retires

News from our board this week, as Christine Edmondson replaces Margaret Spencer as Chair.

Written by Valentino

07 Feb, 2017

New Chair of the board as Margaret Spencer retires
News from our Board this week, as Christine Edmondson replaces Margaret Spencer as Chair. Margaret has retired after 14 years as a shareholder, and her unfailing scrutiny and committment to the success of the organisation has enabled us to thrive over the years she has been involved with our board. We wish Margaret a healthy and happy retirement. Christine has been on our board since 2011 and moves into the role of Chair from her previous role as Vice Chair.

There is no doubt that the social housing sector has a big impact on the lives of thousands of people across the country, every day. There is also no doubt the people on the boards of these organisations make decisions which have a long-lasting positive impact for future generations.
You can be part of it by joining our board; find out more about how you could get involved on our board website.

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