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On their bikes

Our Communities Officer Helen Seymour took a trip up to a snowy Tredegar school to see first-hand how our donations have benefited pupils.

Written by Sam

27 Feb, 2018

On their bikes
Our Communities Officer Helen Seymour took a trip up to a snowy Tredegar school to see first-hand how our donations have benefited pupils. Nursery children at St Joseph’s Primary in Ashvale were thrilled with the trikes we donated. Beatrix aged three said: “I like the bikes coz I like to ride on them and I like being outside.” Headteacher Mr McMorrow added: “The bikes are fun for the kids but they also help to improve their motor skills as well as give them a bit of exercise. We are very appreciative of the donation from Melin Homes.”

We are building 14 two and three bed homes to rent on this site in Ashvale

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