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Over £10,000 raised for Wales Air Ambulance

We supported the Wales Air Ambulance during 2021 and 2022, as our charity of the year. Through sponsorship of events, fundraising in the office, and online fundraising Melin and our generous staff raised an impressive £10,854.

Written by Fiona

09 Feb, 2023

Melin staff pictured at their visit to Wales Air Ambulance base in Cardiff

Staff have taken part in half marathons, charity breakfasts, the walk Wales challenge, MY20 challenge, raffles and held a charity golf day to help them hit their target and a little bit more.

Our Cardiff Half runners

Jane from Wales Air Ambulance contacted us to thank staff for their fundraising efforts, saying:

“Thank you so much for all your fundraising and support! What a fantastic amount to have raised we cannot thank you enough.”

Paula Kennedy, Chief Executive of Melin Homes and Julie Thomas, Chair of our Melin Board

Paula Kennedy, Chief Executive of Melin Homes said;

“The Wales Air Ambulance Charity rely solely on charitable donations to keep their helicopters flying in the skies, saving precious time and lives. Our staff voted to fundraise for the charity for two years in a row, as they recognise how important the service they provide is.”

Raising £10,854 is a fantastic amount and I am very proud of all our staff for achieving this, especially in such difficult circumstances, with Covid and now the cost-of-living crisis. One of our values at Melin is ‘Make a difference’ and once again our staff have shown they can.

Paula Kennedy — Chief Executive of Melin Homes
Our Swansea Half runners; Fiona, Paul and Paula

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