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Paula Kennedy meets dedicated volunteers

One of Paula’s first public engagements was meeting Marc Hepton, Operations Manager at Eden Gate and his team of volunteers. His team gives up their own time every week to ensure the centre is open to provide advice, support and hot drinks to homeless people in Newport.

Written by Fiona

22 Feb, 2017

Paula Kennedy meets dedicated volunteers
One of Paula’s first public engagements was meeting Marc Hepton, Operations Manager at Eden Gate and his team of volunteers. His team gives up their own time every week to ensure the centre is open to provide advice, support and hot drinks to homeless people in Newport.

Last Sunday Zest sponsored The Sunday Munch initiative handing out 69 brown paper bags filled with sandwiches, crisps, cake, fruit and a drink. We will be sponsoring the lunch again on May 7th if anyone would like to volunteer their time.

Staff gave their time on Sunday finding it a truly humbling yet rewarding experience. The team was shocked by the amount of tea, coffee and sugar consumed in just 2 hours! Eden Gate is in desperate need of supplies if you can help by volunteering or donating reshements please contact Eden Gate.

Marc Hepton, Operations Manager at Eden Gate said: “We can’t thank Melin Homes enough. The sponsorship of important events like Sunday Munch is invaluable and donations of chocolate and cake always go down well with our guests! A lot of what we do is combating social isolation, building trust and breaking down barriers with our guests. This is so much easier when we have the support from organisations like Melin.”

Eden Gate is also raising funds to upgrade their night shelter vehicle, and they would welcome any donation no matter how small, so why not visit their Total Giving page?

Paula Kennedy said: “This has been a fantastic introduction into the great work that we do and I am truly looking forward to steering the organisation to continued success. Showing support for vulnerable people living in our communities is high on my agenda so what better way to start than by supporting Newport homelessness charity Eden Gate.”

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