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Perfect 10 walking challenge

Dedicated staff from Melin Homes completed a 10k walk for The Wallich, as part of a national walking challenge raising 'invaluable' funds for homelessness charities. The challenge has seen 12 Welsh housing associations take on sponsored walks, runs or cycles in a bid to support numerous homelessness and prevention charities.

Written by Fiona

05 Sept, 2023

Our Melin staff walking for The Wallich

Our Melin Homes’ team enjoyed a circular route walk from our offices in Pontypool via the canal to raise money for The Wallich, which supports over 7,000 people experiencing homelessness annually. You can see our walkers as they set off on a very hot day, they didn't look so fresh faced at the end!

And our Melin Wallich walkers are off...

Alongside our Melin Homes Wallich walkers, other housing associations have taken part in the national challenge; Stori, Cardiff Community Housing Association, Clwyd Alyn, Newydd, Monmouthshire Housing Association, Tai Calon, Cartrefi Conwy, Caredig, Bron Afon, RHA Wales, and Valleys to Coast.

A big thank you to our sector’s trade body Community Housing Cymru, which has helped to coordinate the walks and brought in experts from team building specialist Call of the Wild and Welsh legal firm Hugh James.

We’re delighted to be supporting this fantastic nationwide sponsored walk event. Our first planned walk was called off due to the wet weather, but today we have been blessed with sunshine and a great turn out from our staff. This highlights how much the work of charities' like The Wallich means to people.

Paula Kennedy — Chief Executive of Melin Homes

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