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Pride of Gwent Awards

We are committed to creating thriving communities, a great working culture, services focused on residents, and a programme of new developments. We remain dedicated to listening to and engaging with residents and the communities within which they live.

Written by Fiona

02 May, 2019

Sponsorship of Pride of Gwent Awards
We are committed to creating thriving communities, a great working culture, services focused on residents, and a programme of new developments. We remain dedicated to listening to and engaging with residents and the communities within which they live.

We understand the value our unsung heroes add to society, so jumped at the chance to see them rewarded by sponsoring the South Wales Argus Pride of Gwent Awards.

The volunteering category is close to our hearts as projects like our new youth group, Yep and 100 Voices rely on people giving their time to influence the work we do.

Our Chief Executive Paula Kennedy said: “We are here to provide homes, but we’re also passionate about creating opportunities for people and communities to thrive.

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