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Pride of Gwent awards 2017

There are so many people out there who go the extra mile, who volunteer tirelessly for charities, who are carers, incredible fund-raisers or who have faced adversity with great courage. The South Wales Argus are recognising these people in their 2017 Pride of Gwent awards.

Written by Valentino

21 Dec, 2016

Pride in Gwent awards 2017

There are so many people out there who go the extra mile, who volunteer tirelessly for charities, who are carers, incredible fund-raisers or who have faced adversity with great courage. The South Wales Argus are recognising these people in their 2017 Pride of Gwent awards.

South Wales Argus editor Nicole Garnon said: "We are delighted to be able to launch these awards to recognise and reward the unsung heroes in our community. We often feature stories of individuals such as Jackie Lewis of Newport who has raised tens of thousands of pounds for St David's Hospice, or former soldier Ron Jones who at 99 was the country's oldest poppy seller. But we want to go a bit further than just reporting on amazing stories like these and we want to reward the efforts of people whose dedication and commitment make our communities tick."

There are lots of different categories, including Local Hero award, Volunteer award and the award we are proudly sponsoring; the Environment award. You can find more information about the awards, and how to nominate someone you know, on the South Wales Argus website.

The closing date for nominations is January 27, 2017, with a judging panel picking winners in February followed by a ceremony in March at the Coldra court Hotel by Celtic Manor.

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