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Report your repair the easy way

Our new app is an easy and efficient way to report your repair

Written by Sam

12 Jun, 2018

Our new app 'Snap it, Send it' is available now!
If you are one of our residents, you can report your repair by downloading our brand new app on your smartphone. “Snap it and Send it” is available for apple and android devices free of charge and makes it easy to report your repair.
All you need to do is take a photo of the problem (whether it is a blocked drain or a broken window) and addi a quick description. What’s also great about is that you can send your snaps any time day or night, so you don’t have to wait until the office is open. So don’t wait until something goes wrong, download it now so you have it ready. Visit Google Play or the App Store, grab the app and snap away.

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