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Speak out against abuse

This week (14th November) is National Safeguarding Week

Written by Sam

16 Nov, 2016

Speak out against abuse
This week (14th November) is National Safeguarding Week reminding us that everyone has a role to play in safeguarding vulnerable adults and children.

If something seems wrong – it probably is. We can all make a difference and we all have a responsibility to Speak Out against abuse.

The Gwent Wide Adult Safeguarding Board (GWASB) has launched a short video raising awareness of adult abuse. They have also funded a drama production for young people across the region to raise awareness of a range of safeguarding concerns for young people.

All Melin front line staff have had safeguarding training and are aware of our procedures to Speak Up against abuse of any kind.

Our Living Well Manager Shona Martin said: “I hope that by promoting National Safeguarding week we can all have greater awareness of the issues and that the welfare and safety of vulnerable people is protected.”
If you or someone you know is being abused Speak Up. Report it to Police on 101 or in an emergency call 999.

For more information on safeguarding visit the Gwent Wide Adult Safeguarding Board website

Don’t wait until it’s too late – Speak Out

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