Stakeholder event success
We celebrated our 10th birthday with our stakeholders and partners this morning. Peter Crockett opened the event by outlining some of our achievements from the last 10 years.
Written by Fiona
—26 Apr, 2017

We celebrated our 10th birthday with our stakeholders and partners this morning. Peter Crockett opened the event by outlining some of our achievements from the last 10 years. Guest speaker Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales was delighted to speak at the event and congratulated us on being the first housing association to sign up to the code of Practice for Ethical Employment in supply chains, which means we are a living wage employer and have an expectation that our suppliers sign up too. Ms Howe said: “Melin is a crucial part of the holistic vision of the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 through empowering people to live the best lives they can. Housing is the heartbeat of sustainable communities.”
Paula Kennedy spoke of our vision for the next 10 years and how everyone, especially stakeholders and staff play a critical role in shaping the future. Paula said: “We have a role to play in making our communities prosperous, there are exciting times ahead.”
Over 90 stakeholders attended the event and enjoyed a bacon roll and goody bag. Emma Williams, Deputy Director of Housing Policy at Welsh Government said: “Great to hear about Melin’s work to date and their commitment to the Future Generations agenda. I’m sure the next 10 years will be equally successful.”
Stakeholders also signed up to our Vol10 initiative with the total amount of hours reaching just over 3,600 hours. Anyone can pledge volunteering hours and help us reach our goal of 10,000 hours! You can pledge here.