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Stay Gas Safe

Keeping your home safe is very important.

Written by Marcus

02 Jun, 2017

a gas safe engineer visits a resident

Keeping your home safe is very important. If gas appliances are not fitted and serviced correctly they may cause problems.

All Melin engineers are on the Gas Safe Register; a list of gas engineers who are legally allowed to work on gas appliances.

It is important for you to book your annual gas service with us in order for your home to be kept safe.

You will receive a letter from us when it’s time for your gas service to be carried out, so that you can contact us to book it in. You can get in touch via telephone, email, live chat, text or Facebook. Once you have booked your service, please make sure you are available at the property for the agreed date and time, you can leave the rest to us.

If you are not going to be available, please let us know so that we can find another date that’s suitable for you.

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