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Supporting Eden Gate

Chief Executive, Paula Kennedy and members of our Residents' Panel presented Eden Gate with a cheque today, for £3236.64.

Written by Fiona

22 Jan, 2019

Supporting Eden Gate
Chief Executive, Paula Kennedy and members of our Residents' Panel presented Eden Gate with a cheque today, for £3236.64.

Staff organised charitable breakfasts, raffles, a quiz night and even paid money to throw wet sponges at our leadership group to raise funds for the charity. The team also donated; duvets, food, tea, coffee, chocolates, and sponsored three Sunday Munches providing a lunch for over 120 guests who are either homeless or vulnerably housed. We couldn't have raised this amount without the support from staff and a generous donation of £200 from our Residents' Panel.

Katie Maddocks, Assistant Manager at Eden Gate, said “Melin’s support for us has been fantastic. Their staff and Residents’ Panel have been so supportive, we can’t thank them enough.”

Chief Executive Paula Kennedy said; “We are proud to have had Eden Gate as our charity of the year in 2018. Their passion and projects reach out to those who need it and we will continue to develop our partnership in 2019.”

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