Supporting people who are homeless
We have developed close links with Street Life Sarnies a project set up to help South Wales’ homeless. The housing association were so impressed by founder Claire Days’ dedication and resourcefulness they asked staff and contractors to bring in donations.
Written by Fiona
—08 Nov, 2016

We have developed close links with Street Life Sarnies a project set up to help South Wales’ homeless. The housing association were so impressed by founder Claire Days’ dedication and resourcefulness they asked staff and contractors to bring in donations.
The response was overwhelming collecting hundreds of food items, toiletries, clothes and sleeping bags. The much needed items will be divided and delivered to Wallich rough sleeper intervention project, Edengate day centre and night shelter and Solas Cymru homeless hostel; all based in Newport.
Claire, SLS said “A huge thank you to the Melin homes staff, clients and contractors that helped with the amazing haul we received today. Your kindness will feed many that haven't eaten for days and provide a food parcel to a guest who is vulnerably housed. Your care and generosity will give them the boost of self-worth to fight another day at a very tough time in their life. Thank you for making this possible.”
With charity status on the horizon for SLS the future is bright. Membership has grown over the last two years by an extraordinary amount now boasting over 2,000 members. If you would like to support SLS you can contact them through their website.
Sharon Crockett, Assistant Director at Melin Homes said; “We are always so proud of staff, who never fail to support projects like SLS. Partnership building within the communities we work is so important to Melin Homes.”