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Taking Pride in what we do

We value diversity and our culture is one of support and celebration of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) community.

Written by Marcus

05 Aug, 2019

Melin Pride logo

We are an organisation which values diversity and our culture is one of support and celebration of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) community. This month we will be focusing on all things Stonewall, which is celebrating its 30th birthday this year. Stonewall Cymru campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. This August we will be working with Stonewall Cymru to post information on our screens and social media in a bid to raise awareness.

As part of Stonewall UK’s 30th birthday celebrations, they have picked 30 key moments in the journey for equality for LGBT people. One of those moments was the first same-sex kiss on a UK soap opera in 1994. Can you name that soap? Find out (if you don’t already know) and see which other moments to equality have been chosen by reading the whole list on Stonewall’s website.

To find out more visit Stonewall’s website.

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