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Tee-rific charity golf day

The sun was out for our Charity Golf Day last week. A massive thank you to all the teams that took part. Thanks to everyone’s generosity we have raised £6500 which will be split between our community Jump2 Fund and our charity of the year our Resident Support Fund.

Written by Fiona

21 Sept, 2023

Winning team Evolve at our charity golf day

We had 21 teams take part, companies we work with donated raffle prizes and the players showed generosity and kindness in the amount of raffle tickets they purchased. We can’t thank everyone enough; it was a great day with a fantastic atmosphere, and we can’t wait to do it again next year. A huge congratulations to the winning team Evolve. We heard you were 'Tee-rific'

Thank you to all the companies and people who supported our golf day

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