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Tell us what you think about our repairs and maintenance service

You could win a £50 voucher! Asking our residents what they think about our services is important to us, you are the best people to tell us what we are doing well, or where we can improve the services, we offer.

Written by Fiona

19 Sept, 2023

An illustration of a house and a maintenance van parked outside

We are asking for your views about our maintenance service, please take the time to tell us your opinions, to help us make a positive difference. We will provide an update of all the information we receive and let you know how we are going to use this information to plan for the future.

There are just a few questions, and five ways you can tell us what you think.

Other ways to give us your views

If you don’t want to answer in the questions online you can:

  • Answer the questions when you call us
  • Speak to a member of our Maintenance team at your scheme coffee morning. Please speak to your Scheme Manager to find out when we will be visiting your scheme.
  • Speak to a member of staff at a community event
  • Speak to a member of staff when they visit your property

The survey closes 30th September. We will contact the winner of the £50 voucher by 6th October 2023.

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