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The practical use of the Value Wales Tool

We are hosting a series of workshops around the practical side of evaluating projects using the Value Wales Tool. The workshops will include sharing of best practice, contractor relationships and also group discussion addressing challenges.

Written by Valentino

26 May, 2016

Value Wales tool

We are hosting a series of workshops around the practical side of evaluating projects using the Value Wales Tool. The workshops will include sharing of best practice, contractor relationships and also group discussion addressing challenges.

The workshops are split into 2 groups:

  • Public Sector, Wednesday 29th June (morning and afternoon sessions available) – For those in receipt of funding and responsibility for submitting Value Wales Returns
  • Private Sector, Friday 8th July (afternoon only) – For those contracted to projects, with clients reporting through the Value Wales Tool

The workshop is priced at £40 per person (excl. VAT) and money raised will go to support sustainable community projects.

If you, your colleagues or supply chain partners are interested in attending a workshop, please contact Trisha Hoddinot to reserve a place.

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