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The way you rent is changing

Written by Fiona

23 Feb, 2022

Coats on coat hooks featuring the Welsh Gov logo

From the 15th of July 2022 the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 will change the way all landlords in Wales rent their properties.

The Act gives greater clarity on the rights and responsibilities for both our customers and for us as your landlord, through written contracts.

Here are some key points

  • Melin Homes will be known as a Community Landlord
  • Tenants will be called a Contract Holder
  • Tenancy agreements will change to an Occupation Contract
  • There will be two types of contracts – Secure and Standard
  • The Act will merge multiple housing legislations into one legal framework
  • The Act will simplify and improve your rights

For contract-holders this will mean:

  • Receiving a written contract setting out your rights and responsibilities.
  • Greater protection from eviction.
  • Succession – improved rights to pass on your home.
  • More flexible arrangements for joint contract-holders, making it easier to add or remove others to an occupation contract.

How you can help

It would help us if you can ensure we have your up-to-date contact details - your email, telephone number and preferred method of contact and the name and contact details of anyone else who lives with you. You can update this by logging in to your account or by emailing us – please include your name and address so we know who you are.

Aside from this you don't need to do anything right now.

For more information

You can visit the Welsh Government website.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to us about the changes please get in touch.

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