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Torfaen Carers’ Centre makeover

The Carers' Centre in Pontypool has been given a fresh new look and brand new equipment thanks to an Intermediate Care Fund grant and help from Melin, Wales and West Utilities and Dulux.

Written by Sam

04 Apr, 2017

painting team
The Carers Centre in Pontypool has been given a fresh new look and brand new equipment thanks to an Intermediate Care Fund grant and help from Melin, Wales & West Utilities and Dulux.

Carers Centre Co-ordinator Louise Alderman-Hook was thrilled by the help she was given to make-over the centre that is used by over 100 carers and the people they care for.

The centre now has a bright and airy new look thanks to Louise’s hard work and 14 staff members from Wales & West Utilities who gave up their time to scrub, clean, paint and put furniture together. Dulux donated the paint, Freeman'z supplied the new carpet and vinyl and Melin helped with the renovation work, creating a new kitchen space and assisting with the redecoration. The centre has also benefited from new carpets and furniture.

The building has a special space dedicated to young carers, giving them somewhere to meet and a place to spend time away from the pressures of caring for their loved ones. A quiet room which once housed spare furniture and old equipment now feels homely and is a sanctuary for counselling or just a space to relax and take stock. The centre offers a range of activities including art classes and complementary therapies as well as various groups such as the very popular drop-in session for people living with dementia and their carers.

Staff from Wales & West Utilities were so moved by the services provided by the Carers Centre that they also donated other gifts, including a new laptop and camera, vacuum cleaner, kettle and toaster. Their staff also took the time to knit a range of twiddle muffs - designed to relax restless hands for people living with dementia.

Wales & West Utilities Network Extension Manager said: “It was really inspiring seeing everyone pulling together like that and getting so much done for such a good cause.”

Louise Alderman Hook said: “I have been truly moved by everyone’s efforts and the people who use the centre are really pleased with how it looks and they too are touched by the generosity that has been shown.”

If you provide care to a loved one and would like to find out how the Centre might help you, contact Louise on 01495 753838 or visit the website.

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